June 7, 2011

How To Be A Better Person


I was at my local library recently, just browsing the shelves, when an interesting book title caught my eye: Being, Nothingness, and Fly Fishing

The book is subtitled, How One Man Gave Up Everything To Fish The Fabled Waters Of The West

Intrigued, I picked up the book and read the inside flap of the dust jacket. It mentions that in book’s introduction, the author, while writing about a particular river, wrote: “The North Umpqua makes me want to be a better fly fisherman.”

I needed some context for such a bold statement, so I flipped to the introduction and found the actual quote. The full paragraph reads:

“Never do I fish as attentively as when I’m on the North Umpqua. I feel I owe the river the very best I have to offer, after all, the river has given its very best to me. The North Umpqua makes me want to be a better fly fisherman.”

Have you ever felt this way about anything…….

  • Do you have any things in your life that make you want to be a better person?
  • Does the special person in your life make you want to be a better partner?
  • Does your job make you want to be a better employee or your company make you want to be a better entrepreneur?
  • What about your car? Does it make you want to be a better driver?

Is there anything in your life that would make you say: “I owe this the very best that I have to offer!”

I frequently meet people who think they are “stuck”. Often, the truth of the matter isn’t that they’re stuck, it’s that they just haven’t found something that demands the very best they have to offer – something that makes them want to be a better person.

Well, what if the answer isn’t something outside of yourself? What if it’s not a person or a thing?

What about your life itself?

Please humor me for a minute… just for fun – imagine that you woke up tomorrow with the feeling that you owe your life the very best you have to offer!

What would that day look like to you?

What would it sound like?

Imagine living like that for just one day! How would that feel?

How To Be A Better Person – An Experiment

Now I’d like to propose something. I’d like to propose that you make up your mind, right here and now, to actually do this tomorrow – just as an experiment. You don’t have to tell anyone what you’re up to, you don’t have to recruit others to do it with you and you don’t need to make a big deal out of it. Just wake up with the attitude that no matter what happens throughout the day, you are going to give your life the very best you have to offer! You are going to live your life in a way that makes you want to be a better person.

Be forewarned, this new approach could change everything!

(Seriously, once you try this please come back and tell me about your amazing day by posting in the comments section.)

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