June 18, 2011

India's $35 tablet 'Sakshat' to roll out this month

Amidst much hue and cry, controversy government finally geared up to set its footprint in the tablet market in this month with its $35 tablet running on Google's Android. The tablet is codenamed as 'Sakshat' and is produced under government subsidy. About 10,000 tablets will be delivered to IIT-Rajasthan in late June and over the next four months 90,000 more would be made available at a price of Rs 2,200 device.

Eventually the tablets will be subsidized by 50 percent in order to enable the students to get a get at a reasonable price of 1,100 only.
The tablet will be supported by Linux powered by HCL Technologies and will display 7" Touch-screen with 2 USB port, 32GB HD, 2 GB RAM, Video-conferencing facility and Multimedia content.

Earlier various reports have circulated relating the tablets and since then speculations of various kinds have been doing the rounds. India's Google Android powered $35 tablet for students was expected to start its production by January and it was rumored that Indian government was working with HCL Technologies to produce the $35 Sakshat tablet. The first announcement of the low cost tablet for students was made in 23 July 2010, and said it will be made available to university-level students from the second half of 2011.

If this $35 tablet can hit the right cord, keeping the present craze of tablets in mind it will definitely go a long run, and especially among the new tech savvy youth.

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