September 9, 2011

The Usual Things That Age You

How many times have you wished that your age and looks remain the same? Despite our strong wish and desires we all go through ageing. Ageing is has become a part of today's generation that they make an extra effort to handle ageing more gracefully. Some of them go under the knife to avoid aging but what is natural, how can you avoid it? There are many things that affect your ageing but that might be related to your normal body behaviours. But did you know some external factors which affect your ageing?

Check out the below list which you need to be aware of:

1. .Watching TV


The 'idiot box' that you might be watching for hours could affects the skin under your eyes and your waistline. Here is the study which says another shocking effect.

Researchers from the University of Queensland found that for every hour TV watching, you may shorten your life about 22 minutes. Furthermore, research has suggested that watching TV could increase your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

2. Drinking from bottles and through straws


We often think that our food and drinks will only affect our ageing factor. You believe it or not, the way you drink can also influence how well you age. You will get wrinkles around the mouth if you drink from bottles and through straws. In fact, it causes the same pursing action as smoking. As a consequence, there will be fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth as smoking. It's better to drink directly from the glass to avoid wrinkles

3. Too much of exercise is not good.


In order to look young we all think that we should workout well. So people work out more and more to look younger but the fact says that too much exercise can cause stiffness in joints and can increase risk of arthritis. There is a need to be conscious about how much we have to exercise to be energetic and young so that we can avoid further risks

4. Central heating


Many of us spend a fortune on anti-ageing skin products, yet we may regularly accelerate skin ageing without even being aware of it. The central heating and air conditioning systems can severely dry out skin, leading to premature ageing and wrinkles.

To help keep skin youthful and soft, try turning down the heating and wearing more layers to stay warm. Keeping a glass of water in the room can also increase humidity, while wearing a protective face cream can help to relieve dryness

5. Sugar

Eating too much sugar is clearly bad news for your waistline. When blood sugar levels are high, a process called glycation occurs which damages the collagen in your skin. Once damaged, the normally springy collagen hardens then you will get wrinkles.

Less consumption of sugar keeps you away from premature ageing and consumption of less sugar content sweets and juice make you to be young

6. Your job


Are you working in the stressful place? Then you are likely look like an aged one. Yes, work is a big source of stress for many people. Recent research has found that stress can increase risk of heart disease and speed up cell ageing too.

Its obvious that spending too many hours in the workplace mean that you have little time for yourself. You don't have enough time for essentials such as exercise, proper meals and sleep. If you wish to look young and minimize the damage you need to avoid working long hours and always make sure that you have time for yourself, family and friends.

7. Soap


We might think soap makes us to glow but that is not true. The reason for this is that your skin has an acid mantle which is a natural protective barrier of the skin. When you wash with soap ? which is generally alkaline , it can remove this protective layer of oils and dry out the skin, eventually leading to wrinkles.

It is not advisable to stop washing entirely, try swapping the soap for a PH-neutral and chemical-free cleanser. Don't be in the assumption that particular soap is responsible for your beauty and youthfulness.

8. Listening to an iPod


Hearing loss is a common symptom of ageing, yet many of us may suffer from diminished hearing early on due to listening to loud music through headphones. While listening to music sparingly and at a moderate volume is unlikely to do you much harm, a study has shown that listening to music on headphones for an hour can temporarily affect people's hearing, while some researchers have suggested that listening at full volume could put you at risk of permanent damage.

9. Pillowcase


It's not advisable to sleep on one side in all the nights. If you regularly sleep with the same side of your face pressed against a cotton pillow case this may cause creases on the skin which can eventually turn to fine lines and wrinkles. Try sleeping on your back instead, or switch to a silk or satin pillowcase to create less compression wrinkles and to maintain skin's moisture levels

10. Low fat diets


Are you very conscious about diet? Are you looking for the diet which nourishes your beauty? Then take low fat diets such as Omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish, walnuts and flax seeds are essential for keeping you looking and feeling young. Not only do they help keep skin supple and wrinkle-free, but they help boost brain health, keep your heart in good condition so that you can have long, young and energetic life

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