The Hatchet Man:
Hatchet is a single-handed striking tool with a sharp blade used to cut and split wood. The hatchet is often referred to bosses who have the policy of 'hire and fire' like he was hired to downsize the company itself. Bosses with such personality always keep you guessing as to who will fire next and at times we are so involved in his actions that there is a fear created in office and the environment of the office is very disturbing. It is very difficult to deal with these kinds of bosses as their motive behind the hire and fire is very unclear and sometimes silly as well. It is very suitable that you just stay away from his crosshairs
The Bureaucrat:
Bosses like these always have the concept that the world will fall apart without rules and regulations. You might recognize the characteristics - needing to be in control, demanding clear structures, systems, processes and norms. Bureaucrats are rarely abusive, in fact they are often very pleasant and reasonable people, but they want things done by the book and in their way. Working for them can often feel inflexible and it can be difficult for employees to act with any significant degree of autonomy. "It's my way or the high way" can be difficult to deal with for people with lots of ideas and drive. The best way to handle the bureaucratic boss is to develop a good knowledge of two things. First, get to know the rules and regulations of your organization, second, get to know what is important to your boss.
The Innovator:
How many of your bosses make you think different and approves out of the box ideas? Well you must be the few lucky guys who can have a boss who does not just boss around but is also interested in your career aspirations. Such kinds of bosses are always focusing on the needs of their employees and are trying to remove the obstacles that get in their way. It is like gardening he/she is trying to remove the weeds that are stopping you from doing your best. These kinds of bosses are genuine; they realize the opportunities and capitalize on your strengths. An innovator boss always likes to explore and take some risks.
The Clueless:
Clueless bosses are well known as "idiot bosses" in a workplace. Some bosses are over promoted in a short span of time and now they have no clue or idea of what has to be done. These bosses exist only to stomp the life out of their intellectually superior and more innovative subordinates. Most of the time, an employee cannot figure out why all his ideas is rejected and their work is denigrated. Others sink into cynicism about their careers and feel very demotivated. Such bosses cause damage to the company and to the employees as they cannot recognize potential ideas, employees which in turn leads to the loss to the company. Such kinds of bosses don't need special attention or so as they will gone by the time you approach for your next idea. All you need to do is, mind your work, get your projects approved and be a little nice with them.
The Nurturer:
Very similar to an innovator boss but they only difference is that, a boss nurtures his employee only in return to see that he is nurturing his customers and clients of the company. Consumers need support, empathy and guidance as well as solutions. The same way an employee looks for support empathy and guidance from his superiors. Nurturing is all about feeling the pain of a person and guiding them in the right way. The nurturing style of a boss would be very homely. That does not mean they are not tough bosses. They way they guide differ on each situation. All that these kinds of boss look for is Loyalty, openness and the willingness of an employee to do more that what his job description is.
The Commander:
Bosses who behave like commanders in office have a very different management style to manage their employees. First and foremost such bosses are technically very competent and they know exactly what works for their company. They always believe in communicating with their subordinates their vision and goals, why it's important to the organization and why it's in their best interest to monitor you. They always want to set an example of themselves, they like to mentor their juniors and act as role models for people working under them. They look more for results than salutes. If you have a boss of this trait, you might find it like military school, but hey your boss will make you very competent at the end of the day
The Abusive:
You can tolerate any kind of bosses which was mentioned earlier, but an abusive boss is last thing you would want to come across. At some point during your working adult life you will have an abusive boss - the kind who uses his or her authority to torment subordinates. Bullying bosses scream, often with the goal of humiliating. They write up false evaluations to put good workers' jobs at risk. Some are serial bullies, targeting one worker and, when he or she is gone, moving on to their next victim. Bosses may abuse because they have impossibly high standards, are insecure or have not been properly socialized. But some simply enjoy it. Understanding what makes these people the way they are is important. The one thing abusive, dysfunctional managers seem to have in common is that they're acting out on you because of their own issues that have absolutely nothing to do with you. Next time your boss pisses you off, just remember that it's not your fault; he's only human; he has some strengths or he wouldn't be your boss; and he needs you to help him out or you wouldn't be there. Lastly, you can always quit, but he still has to live with himself. And that's probably why he's abusive to begin with.
The Dictator:
A dictator boss is the one who thinks that 'empowerment' means empowering management to give orders. He has no problems in making decisions but often ends up in wrong decisions. You will be very familiar with the statement "Shut up and go back to work. I will let you know when I want to hear your opinion." These kinds of bosses actually chew their employees like a drill sergeant. This is the boss who rules by fear and intimidation and is prone to bursts of cruelty when dealing with his employees.
The Nice Boss:
A nice boss is one that is honest, open, and values you, when people feel valued they will follow your leadership. Many dont come to work because the paycheck is great, but because they like to work for a boss who treats them with respect and values their opinions and work.
One question always nags at us is: Are bad bosses that way because they're bad people or are they basically good people who have been psychologically changed by the addition of authority? In other words, are bad bosses born or are they made? Is it true that "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
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